Maitidevi - 30, Kathmandu
+977-1-4510115 / 4530270

Joint Life(Dampati Surachha Plus)

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Joint Life(Dampati Surachha Plus)

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Features of Joint Life Plus(Dampati Surakchha Plus)
  1. Name of Life Insurance : Joint Life Plus(Joint Endowment) Life Insurance
  2. Participating/Non participating in Profit : This policy will participate in profit
  3. Minimum Entry Age : 18 Years
  4. Maximum Entry Age : 65 Years
  5. Maximum Age of Maturity : 70 Years
  6. Minimum Policy Term : 5 Years
  7. Maxmimum Policy Term : 30 Years
  8. Minimum Sum Assured : Rs.50,000/-
  9. Maxmimum Sum Assured : Based on the earning/financial condition of life insured
  10. Premium paying mode : Yearly, Half Yearly, Quarterly and Monthly
  11. Rebate on the basis of Sum Assured:

    Rebate on Large Sum Assured

    Sum Assured Rebate
    From Rs. 2,01,000/- to Rs. 5,00,000/- Re. 1 per thousand
    Rs. 501,000 and above Rs. 2 per thousand
  12. Rebate on the basis of premium payment method:
    Mode Rebate
    Yearly Payment 2 percent discount
    Half Yearly Payment 1 percent discount
    Quarterly or Salary Saving Scheme(SSS) No discount
    Monthly Premium Payment 5 Percent Additional
  13. Age Calculation :

    The highest age among husband and wife will be taken as the basis for premium calculation

  14. Terms and Conditions of Payment :

    Payment will be made on the basis of below mentioned conditions:

    1. Incase of death of any one life, the sum assured and earned bonus will be paid as mentioned below:

    SN Conditions Payment
    a. Incase of death of any life within 5 years of commencement of policy 100 percent of Sum Assured
    b. Incase of death of any life within 6(From 6 years onwards) to 10 years of commencement of policy 150 percent of Sum Assured
    c. Incase of death of any life within 11(From 11 years onwards) to 15 years of commencement of policy 200 percent of Sum Assured
    d. Incase of death of any life within 16(From 16 years onwards) to 30 years of commencement of policy 250 percent of Sum Assured
    2. Incase of death of another life, the sum assured as as mentioned above will be paid.
    3. Incase of survival of any one life,additional sum assured will be paid.
    4. Incase of survival of both life, sum assured and earned bonus will be paid.

  15. The below mentioned Optional Rider is available with this policy:

    a) Accidental Death Benefit(ADB)
    b) Accidental Death Benefit(ADB)+Permanent Total Disable(PTD)
    c) Accidental Death Benefit(ADB)+Permanent Total Disable(PTD) and Premium Waiver Benefit(PWB)

First Policy Issued Date: 8th January 2019
* Terms and Conditions will be applicable.

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  • JointLife(DampatiSurachhaPlus) Salient Features: This Policy will acquire paid-up value or surrender value This policy will be eligible for loan This policy will have maturity value This....