Maitidevi - 30, Kathmandu
+977-1-4510115 / 4530270

Sukhi Jeevan Plus Jeevan Bima Yojana

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Sukhi Jeevan Plus(Whole Life Endowment) Jeevan Bima Yojana

Salient Features :
  1. Entry Age: 18 years to 65 years
  2. Maximum age at Policy Maturity: 70 years
  3. Minimum Policy Term: 5 years
  4. Maximum Policy Term: 30 years
  5. Minimum Sum Assured: Rs. 100,000
  6. Maximum Sum Assured: Based on the income source and financial status of the proposer
  7. Mode of Payment: Annually, Half-yearly and Quarterly
  8. Premium Payment Term: Policy Term or the date of death of life assured within the Policy Term.
  1. Terms and Conditions of Payment:
    Under the insurance plan, payment will be made as follows:
    1. If the life assured survives till policy maturity date, the sum assured and accrued bonus will be payable.
    2. In case of death of the life assured before the policy maturity date, the sum assured and accrued bonus will be paid as per the terms and conditions of the policy.
    3. In case of death of the life assured at any time after the policy maturity date, only the sum assured will be paid more. No bonus will be added to that amount.
    4. If the insured survives till the completion of 99 years after the policy maturity date, the sum assured will be paid.


    Bonus refers to Simple Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus. A terminal bonus in addition to simple reversionery bonus is payable to insurance policies that have been inforce for at least 10 years. Terminal bonus is payable during maturity claim, death claim or policy surrender value payment for eligible policy

  2. Based on the sum insured, discount on the insurance premium rate will be provided as follows.
    Sum Assured Discount
    From Rs.5,00,000 to Rs. 10,00,000 Rs.1 per thousand discount
    From Rs.10,01,000 above Rs.2 per thousand discount
  3. Payment Mode:
    Payment Mode Factors
    Yearly Rs.1.000
    Half Yearly Rs.1.020
    Quarterly Rs. 1.035
  4. The following optional facilities are arranged in this plan:
    1. Accidental Death Benefit, Permanent Disability Benefit, Insurance Fee Exemption Benefit
    2. Asian Critical Care 9 Rikshmabach Facility
  5. Under this plan, there is also a provision that the policyholder can surrender the policy after the insurance period ends.
  6. Risks not covered by the insurance policy:
    If the death of the insured is directly or indirectly due to any of the following reasons, the amount payable under the insurance policy is not as per the sum assured mentioned in the schedule and only if there is any paid value of the insurance policy, it will be paid only.
    1. When flying other than when flying as a fare-paying passenger on a regular route operated by an air service licensed in accordance with prevailing laws.
    2. In case of engaging in any act of war (whether war is declared or not) in violation of the law.
    3. In case of violation of civil or military law.
    4. Whether the property is damaged or not, within two years from the date of commencement of insurance / date of renewal of lapsed policy or in case of lapsed policy; If you commit suicide.

Apart from the above-mentioned risks, this insurance policy will not cause any hindrance to travel, travel or work abroad.